Book Review Title The Tesseract Fiction-Net Rating Buy It - Buy This Book Cover Story The sun
is setting over Manilla. In an abandoned
hotel on the wrong side of town, Sean
prepares for the arrival of Don Pepe, the
mestizo gangster who runs the shipping
lanes of the South China Seas. As he kills
time, Sean discovers that his bed sheets
are stained with blood, the phone lines to
his room are dead and somebody has screwed
a steel plate over the spyhole in his
door. Elsewhere
in the city, Rosa, a doctor, waits for her
husband to come home. As she puts her
children to bed she remembers the coastal
village in which she was raised and the
boy who would meet her on the way to
school. Meanwhile,
thirteen-year-old Vincente begs from the
stream of air-conditioned cars on Roxas
Boulevard, keeping an eye out for the
strange man who lives in the city's most
expensive apartment block and who pays
money for street kids' dreams. Tonight,
these disparate lives will collide in a
shattering finale. We Say I saw
Alex Garland
at an event that was part of the
Birmingham Readers and Writers Festival
not long after The
had been published. My impression of him
was of an articulate man with intensity
and a determination to make the very best
of his craft. Though also seemingly modest
about his work, he has every right to feel
justly proud of this novel and confessed
that he felt and indeed, hoped that it was
an improvement on his first novel, The
Beach. Shamefully,
the latter is probably more famous now for
its re-invention as a Leonardo DiCaprio
movie. However, the book that many of us
remember was a great thriller and a
compulsive page-turner but slightly
flawed. What Garland has produced in The
Tesseract is something more complex and
unexpected. Manila
is brought to life in the best way that a
city can be in a book. I have never been
there but Alex Garland gave me a sense of
the heat, the smells and the different
paces and facets of life that exist in
this one place. The three main parts of
the book involve totally different stories
and totally different characters and you
wonder how they could possibly meet but
then this book is about the complexity of
connections and how nothing can ever be as
simple as it may appear at first
glance. All of
the characters have their own stories to
tell - Sean, Rosa, Don Pepe, his henchmen,
the street kids and Alfredo who buys their
dreams. It's a highly complicated
structure for a narrative, like the
tesseract itself (a hypercube unravelled)
and it shows great courage on the part of
the author that he even began to tackle
it. Alex Garland is frighteningly talented and a
true craftsman of words and the fact that
The Tesseract holds together and concludes
with such confidence and vigour is proof
of the fact. Review by: Rachel Taylor Buy It - Buy This Book |
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