Alex Garland Book Title Author Purchase Link Star Rating Alex Garland Book Reviews The Tesseract
by Alex Garland Fiction-Net Rating No
matter how we may feel about it,
divorce is common in our society.
Often the individuals who suffer
the most are the children. The
plight of children surviving the
divorce of their parents has been
the subject of much discussion
and debate. Although some couples
manage an amicable separation,
others use their children as
pawns to get what they want.
Discord among parents is not a
new theme but, in Belva Plain's
novel, After the Fire, Plain
takes this theme to an unusual
and heartbreaking
level. After
the Fire threatened to overwhelm
me at times. It may make you take
a second look at your own choices
in life. Who do you give power
over yourself? Do you really see
your partner, or do you only see
what you want to? How does one
survive after being betrayed by
someone you love so dearly? Belva
Plain recounts this tale with
clarity and insight, making this
a novel worth reading. The Tesseract - Read The Full Review Buy It - Buy This Book Select by author surname: Select by book title: |
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