Book Review Title The Boy
Next Door Fiction-Net Rating Buy It - Buy This Book Cover Story It's the
1980s in the sleepy English village of
Rushton. Mickey and Fred are next-door
neighbours and best friends. In and out of
scrapes from the day they're born, they
share everything from their first
cigarette to their first kiss. They're
convinced that nothing will ever keep them
apart. But they're wrong. Fifteen
years later, Mickey is beginning a new
phase of her life with a small flower shop
in London. Squeezed into the tiny flat
above, she's a loving, if chaotic, single
mum, juggling home and work and trying to
build a secure life. Fred,
too, has moved on. Surrounded by the
trappings of success - an exciting career
and a London lifestyle - he's set to marry
his gorgeous girlfriend in just a few
short weeks. Then he bumps into Mickey for
the first time since their worlds fell
apart. Tentatively
picking up the threads of their lost
friendship, Fred and Mickey find
themselves reliving their glory days
growing up in Rushton but can they ever
really overcome the devastating events
that once tore them apart? And is it true
what they say about first loves being
forever? Warm,
funny and moving, The
Boy Next
is about growing up, falling in and out of
love and learning that you're never too
old to be a kid. We Say Authors
and Emlyn
created a masterpiece with their first
co-written novel, Come
Using the 'he said, she said' approach,
where one character tells the story for a
chapter and then the other lead character
narrates for the next, the two authors
used a system which has been often
emulated since but never matched for
effectiveness. The hardest task in writing
this book was always going to be creating
believable characters who we actually care
about, whilst using the same 'he said, she
said' approach. The Boy
Next Door introduces us to Fred and Mickey
(who is, by the way, female). Friends for
many years during their childhood, they
are split by disturbing events more
involving their parents than themselves.
Fifteen years later, Fred and Mickey have
a chance meeting and the emotions they
felt in the past are dragged kicking and
screaming to the surface. Trouble is,
Fred's engaged and due to tie the knot in
a matter of weeks. The Boy
Next Door concentrates very much on the
two lead characters, with only Fred's
fiancé Rebecca getting much of a
look in. Fred's friend, Eddie shows
potential for being an interesting
character but remains a distant backdrop
for most of the story. It would be fair to
say that it would have been nice to see a
little more interaction with someone other
than the central three characters but
seeing as were left mainly in the company
of Fred and Mickey, do they deserve our
attention? You'd better believe
it. The
first chapter of The Boy Next Door kicks
off with Fred and much time is spent
dealing with thoughts of his father, who
we learn died in as yet unclear tragic
circumstances. At first reading, the first
chapter can seem a little slow and the
relationship between Fred and his father
somewhat muted. However, this is not
accidental or ineffective writing and as
the story develops, so will your
understanding. The second chapter, when we
first hear directly from Mickey, is a
fast-paced delight which immediately drags
the reader into the adventure. From this
moment on, you will be in no doubt that
what you are reading is pure quality and
the pace never lets up. The
story slips in and out of the past,
revealing Fred and Mickey's childhood and
teenage years together but the amount
revealed of their history is cleverly
balanced so as to drag you back to the
present when you'll be itching for more.
As Fred and Mickey wrestle with their
feelings for each other, the reader is
made to feel the same emotional turmoil
being felt by Fred and Mickey. The
question to be answered, of course, is
whether they can get it together again
after all these years, despite the
apparently unavoidable
obstacles. More
emotionally-hitting than humourous, The
Boy Next Door is a superb piece of fiction
- Josie Lloyd and Emlyn Rees at their very
best. Review by: Rob Cook Buy It - Buy This Book |
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