Book Review Title Come Together Fiction-Net Rating Buy It - Buy This Book Cover Story Meet
Jack Rossiter. I'm twenty-seven years old,
single, and live with my best mate, Matt.
Matt and I started hanging out when we
were eight. Life was simpler then. Our
idea of fashion was polyester. I told him
I wanted to be a spy and he asked me who
I'd marry. I imagined falling in love with
a girl so perfect I couldn't even guess
her name. Things have changed since then.
I did fall in love for a while but it
didn't work out. And single is good,
single is fun. Meet
Amy. Sometimes in my darker moments I've
thought about applying to go on Blind
Date. 'She's gorgeous, she's from London,
come in Amy Crosbie!' Wolf whistling and
applause. Actually it's a bit of a worry.
I think it's my warped way of telling
myself that something's got to change.
It's been six months since I last had sex.
Six months! I mean, I've got my own flat,
I've got A levels - so come on down Mr
Right. At least it would get my mother off
my back. He can't
read her mind. She can't read his. You can
read both. We Say A
brilliant idea and structure has been used
in the writing of Come
by the two authors, Josie
and Emlyn
Chapter one is told by Jack, chapter two
is told by Amy, and so on. It is
fascinating to watch each of them trying
to work out what the other is thinking and
then finding out for yourself in the next
chapter. You'll enjoy having an insight
that is denied to both of the
characters. Jack is
a single guy and, as far as he knows, has
no plans to change that. As Jack says,
"single is fun". Amy, on the other hand,
is single but doesn't want to stay that
way. When the two meet the story explodes
and runs at break-neck speed. The meetings
between the two are all too realistic and
you will need to be an unemotional stone
not to find yourself caring deeply for
Jack and Amy - the two are immensely
likable characters. You WILL smile when
they smile, you WILL worry when they hit a
rocky patch and believe me, you WILL be
absolutely gutted when they split up. Can
they patch things up? Come
Together is, without a doubt, one of the
best books written in a long, long time.
The story literally flows from one page to
the next. Check out also our book review
of the sequel, Come
Again. Review by: Rob Cook Buy It - Buy This Book |
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