Book Review Title White
City Blue Fiction-Net Rating
Buy It - Buy This Book Cover Story Frankie
Blue has always wanted to be liked. At
school, the most important lesson he
learned was that in order to fit in he
must sometimes treat the truth with the
respect he thinks it deserves, ie. none at
all. Hence his nickname, Frank the Fib and
now, at thirty, his nickname has become
who he is and what he does. He's become
one of White City's most successful estate
agents. His fibs help sell himself and
help him sell dreams, thin air, empty
space. All his school friends have also
realised their potential in one way or
another. Arch-narcissist Diamond Tony
spends his days in front of mirrors as a
hairdresser. Solid, dependable Nodge has
replaced his dreams of foreign travel with
the reality of journeying across London
behind the wheel of his black cab and
Colin is a computer geek, more interested
in downloading than getting
loaded. These
are Frank's friends. They hold him up,
they're where he fits but more and more,
they feel like a history that hasn't yet
found its way into the past because
Frankie is bored with Colin and Nodge and
Tony and football and pulling and pints
and E and pretending that anything else is
a compromise. So he's decided to carry out
the 'great betrayal' - he's going to get
married, to Veronica, a pathologist who
spends her life looking inside people to
see what's gone wrong. It's a talent she
has with the living as well as the dead
and it makes Frankie nervous. Frankie,
as always, wants to fit in and coupledom
has become the norm but from the moment he
reveals his nuptial plans, the whole shape
of his life is thrown into sharp relief.
He begins to see it as a series of choices
between his mate and his mates, security
and freedom, truth and lies. White
City Blue
is the darkly funny tale of one man's
odyssey, by way of curry house and pub,
towards a greater understanding of the
infinite mysteries of true love and male
friendship. We Say Women
write about trying to find Mr Right and
men write about how to hide from these
women. They also write about the
importance of a finding safety net in the
form of your male friends. White City Blue
is totally faithful to this format.
Annoyingly, it's also very, very
good. The
characters aren't likeable but they're
real. On the surface, Frankie Blue and his
three lifelong friends are selfish, lying,
misogynistic pigs. Scratch the surface and
you might find out that they are something
else entirely or you might find out that
this is exactly what they are.
opens the characters up through the
memories of Frankie - he takes us
back to their school days and the events
in their youth that formed the men. Lott
writes about childhood with conviction and
honesty - and as we all know, there
is nothing more severe than the cruelty of
children. The only
real female presence in the book is
Veronica, who threatens to upset the
status quo by marrying Frankie. She's
perceptive and intelligent but unimportant
in many ways. This is a book about men and
as that, it is a complete
success. The
revelations at the end of White City Blue
are an inevitable consequence of the past
and come as something of a relief.
Dramatic tension builds slowly but the
dialogue is sharp and the prose
intelligent so it never feels dull, even
if not much is actually happening.
City Blue is plotted strongly with a clear
vision in mind and this results in a
satisfying, thought-provoking
read. Review by: Rachel Taylor Buy It - Buy This Book |
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