Book Review Title Whatever
Love Means Fiction-Net Rating Buy It - Buy This Book Cover Story Like
most people, Vic Mullan - once described
by his best friend Joe as "a man whose
sense of social responsibility is
exhausted by pulling over to let an
ambulance by" - can remember where he was
and what he was doing on the day of
Princess Diana's death. Yes, he can
remember it particularly well - he was at
home, beginning an affair with Emma, Joe's
wife. The
opening section of David Baddiel's second
novel charts the history of an intense and
passionately sexual liaison set against
the background of the most hysterical time
in recent memory but as the months wear on
and life and love return to normal, so
things become more complex between Vic and
Emma. And then, tragedy - a real, local,
small-scale tragedy, as opposed to a
national, iconic, mythological one -
intervenes. We Say For a
book by a comedian, Whatever
is surprisingly dark and intense. It has
its funny moments too but these are
confined to the early chapters before it
all goes horribly wrong for the characters
involved. Looking
back, it was certainly a strange thing
that happened in this country around the
time of Princess Diana's death. Most
people were walking around with a sense
of, what felt like, real heartbreak and
loss for weeks. David
novel digs beneath the surface of this
reaction and uses it as a catalyst to
explore the nature of love and grief on a
more genuinely personal level. It's a big
subject but Baddiel is clearly unfazed and
tackles it with conviction and
depth. There
are some strange characters in the mix and
if I were to describe them to you, they
would sound unconvincing. There's Vic, a
man obsessed with the idea that illness is
glamorous, Joe, a shy scientist and Tess,
a woman with a man's way of thinking.
David Baddiel brings these characters to
life, not least because there are times
when you love them and times when you want
to scream at them. It's certainly
worthwhile getting to know
them. The plot
of Whatever Love Means will leave you
open-mouthed in amazement. There are
twists and surprises that I would defy
anyone to be able to predict. There is
none of the obvious sign posting that
often occurs in lesser novels. David
Baddiel seems able to credit his readers
with the knowledge that real life doesn't
provide these convenient warnings and that
sometimes, stories too are better without
them. This is
one book I can seriously
recommend. Review by: Rachel Taylor Buy It - Buy This Book |
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