Book Review Title Vinegar
Hill Fiction-Net Rating Buy It - Buy This Book Cover Story In a
stark, troubling, yet ultimately
triumphant celebration of
self-determination, award-winning author
re-creates a stifling world of guilt and
pain and the tormented souls who inhabit
it. It is 1972 when circumstance carries
Ellen Grier and her family back to Holly's
Field, Wisconsin. Dutifully accompanying
her newly unemployed husband, Ellen has
brought her two children into the home of
her in-laws on Vinegar
- a loveless house suffused with the
settling dust of bitterness and routine -
where calculated cruelty is a way of life
preserved and perpetuate in the service of
a rigid, exacting and angry
God. Behind a
facade of false piety, there are sins and
secrets in this place that could crush a
vibrant young woman's passionate spirit
and here Ellen must find the strength to
endure, change and grow in the
all-pervading darkness that threatens to
destroy everything she is and everyone she
loves. We Say Sometimes,
it is the ordinary events in life that
capture our attention. In A Manette
Ansay's book, Vinegar Hill, Ellen Grier is
the neighbour's daughter down the street.
Gossip in small towns has a way of
traveling faster than the speed of sound
and Ellen's life would be fodder for the
many gossip hungry residents of Holly's
Field, Wisconsin. Vinegar Hill is about
the ties that bind families together and
how those very ties can also destroy.
Ansay effectively draws the reader into
the Grier family's whirlpool of regret and
sorrow. As each event unfolds, the reader
is drawn deeper into the despair and
heartbreak that is Ellen Grier's
life. As an
outside observer, it is easy to see what
is wrong with Ellen's family. Ellen's
husband is a man who is blind to the
emotional needs of his family because his
own were not met when he was a child. In
many ways, James Grier seems intent on
recapturing his childhood when he makes
the decision that his wife and children
will go to live with his parents until he
can find work again. What is so tragic
about this decision is that while he is
welcome by his mother, his family is not.
All of the positive changes that Ellen has
brought into James' life after they have
married and moved away are effectively
destroyed by a controlling, self-centered
mother-in-law. Gradually, James and
Ellen's children, Amy and Herbert become
more and more withdrawn and unhappy.
Although the move is supposed to save the
Grier family, it instead undermines James'
role as the head of the household, due to
his inability to stand up for his wife and
children. While
Ellen grew up in a family that was
nurturing and compassionate, her husband
lived with physical and emotional abuse.
The battle that is waged between the
bitter Grier in-laws and Ellen is a subtle
one that erodes the warmth and love that
Ellen and her children have enjoyed. As
the story unfolds, it is easy to see how
and why certain events have caused the
bitterness in the Grier household.
Mary-Margaret Grier, James' mother, was
forced to marry a mean, cold-hearted man
even though she had been raised to believe
that she was exceptional and deserved
special treatment. Her own hatred of her
husband causes her to strike out against
everyone around her, leaving a bitter
woman with little to share. As I
read Vineger Hill, I felt myself wanting
to shake the various characters. Every one
of them has allowed certain things to
happen in their lives which have
ultimately resulted in tragedy and
bitterness. They seemed incapable of
protesting or standing up for themselves.
While I found this to be infuriating, it
is an honest and accurate portrayal of how
people were expected to act during this
time period. Although 1972 was not that
long ago, a woman's right to stand up to
her husband when he wasn't visibly abusing
her was frowned upon. People were
discouraged from 'airing their dirty
laundry in public.' In the end, I had to
admire Ellen's courage and
tenacity. Vinegar
Hill is a novel that will pull you in
before you realise it. A good book for
your reading list. Review by: Yumi Nagasaki-Taylor Buy It - Buy This Book |
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