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The Temp by Serena Mackesy - Book Review


The Temp
Serena Mackesy

Fiction-Net Rating 1 Star Rated Book

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Cover Story

This is how it works - school, university and then Real Life. Real Life is about a boss who trusts you, a wardrobe that suits you, friends who support you and a fabulous relationship.

Unfortunately, Real Life isn't working out that way for The Temp. School and university were fine, but now? A series of jobs ranging from the numbingly mindless to the downright silly to the simply weird! Something isn't right. Who cares about a boss who trusts you? The Temp would settle for a boss who knows her name. This can't be Real Life, can it?

We Say

I admit I perhaps looked forward to this book more than I should. I remember all too well my days as a Temp and wondered how Serena Mackesy had handled the subject. After all, there is plenty you can do with the scenario. Lot's of ammunition available.

The Temp in question goes by the name of Sasha and goes from one lousy assignment to the next whilst living with a number of flatmates.

The first chapter of The Temp kicks off well with a lively and inspired introduction.

If you're waiting for the good part, you've just had it. Is The Temp the worst book I've read and reviewed for many years? Put it this way - if it's a choice between reading The Temp ever again or a cigarette packet then I'd rather read about nicotine levels.

I struggle to recall a book with characters more annoying and unrealistic. From the second chapter the dialogue becomes laughable to the point of being ludicrous and the text becomes a real effort to read. The Temp drags the reader from one situation of 'temping' to another. Not one assignment is realistic nor the manner in which it is portrayed. I grant the author that temping is not the greatest occupation but Serena Mackesy has the industry completely misjudged.

There is little to say about the other characters in this book because they are simply so over-acted and unrealistic. I reached the ending (which is probably the most ludicrous 'climax' you're likely to see this side of the next Millennium) with a huge sigh of relief.

Serena Mackesy has, in the past, written regularly in The Independent. I believe that without her connections, this effort would never have reached publication. If there is one good comment I can make about The Temp, it is that any struggling writer should take a look simply to convince themself that they have hope of being published yet.

Review by: Rob Cook

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