Book Review Title The
Brethren Fiction-Net Rating
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is a minimum-security federal prison, home
to the usual assortment of relatively
harmless criminals - drug dealers, bank
robbers, swindlers, embezzlers, tax
evaders and three former judges who call
themselves The
They meet each day in the law library
where they handle cases for other inmates,
practice law without a licence and
sometimes dispense jailhouse justice. And
they spend hours writing letters. They are
fine-tuning a mail scam and it's starting
to really work. The money is pouring
in. Then
their little scam goes awry. It ensnares
the wrong victim, a powerful man on the
outside, a man with dangerous friends and
The Brethren's days of quietly marking
their time are over. We Say The only
surprising thing about The Brethren by
is the lack of any surprises at all. It's
been a while since I've read any of
Grisham novels as I 'd previously given up
the habit. I began to find them all going
down the same well-trodden path - once
you've read one, you've read them all.
Still, there was a certain amount of
enjoyment to be had from his earlier
books. They were full of sharp, sassy
young lawyers battling against age-old
webs of corruption. Quite often, there was
a major emotional pull - usually something
to do with the fate of a child or the
right of 'the little guy' to stand up to a
big evil corporation. These kinds of
things may be a cliché but at least
they work. The
biggest problem with The Brethren is that
there is no one to really care about -
there isn't any big-hearted 'little guy'
to root for, the three judges in prison
are a bunch of seedy old men and the
lawyer that helps them on the outside is
an alcoholic waste of space. As for the
man-who-would-be-president, he has
something to fear from the three judges
but he doesn't even know that because it
is kept from him. The cold and efficient
head of the CIA is secretly pulling
strings behind his back. Feeling
emotionally involved yet? Thought
not. I guess
what we're meant to care about is the fact
that if the-man-who-would-be-president
doesn't get to be president, there are
defence implications and the chance of a
war, as foreseen by our all-knowing friend
at the CIA. Unfortunately, it's all dealt
with in blasé fashion by John
Grisham and the reader is left with very
little to convince them of any real
threat. One
final whinge - there are absolutely no
significant women in this book. This is a
one-dimensional and tired representation
of corruption and politics. I'd been
hoping that a spectacular ending might
make up for the weakness of the rest of
the story but even in that, I was
disappointed. The ending just petered out
with nothing of any real consequence
occurring. Don't bother with this
book. Review by: Rachel Taylor Buy It - Buy This Book |
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