Book Review Title Man And
Boy Fiction-Net Rating Buy It - Buy This Book Cover Story Harry
Silver has it all - a beautiful wife, a
wonderful son, a great job in the media
but in one night he throws it all away.
Then Harry must start to learn what life
and love are really all about. We Say A simple
premise for the most moving book I have
read in a long time. As Tony
is best known as a tabloid journalist, I
didn't expect such sensitivity in this
story but he writes unashamedly, with his
heart on his sleeve. When
central character Harry Silver's wife
leaves him, he is left alone with their
young son, Pat. The presentation of single
parenthood, where there is no rulebook and
no instructions, is shown to be a
difficult and at times, frustrating
job. Complicating
things further is the prejudice that Harry
faces as that rare breed, a single father.
His life is turned upside-down and only
once he is able to get beyond his own
heartbreak and see what is really
important does he find the rewards.
Alongside this runs the story of Harry's
relationship with his own father, based
around a far more traditional family
set-up in which happiness is the state of
normality and this is taken for granted.
I don't
know to what extent Man
And Boy
is based on Tony Parsons' own experiences
as a father and ex-husband of journalist
and writer, Julie
and to be honest it's irrelevant, the fact
is it works. Parsons examines the modern
culture of relationships in which courts
decide who the better parent is and a
child cannot assume they will have the
kind of family life that past generations
had. It's heartbreaking to see the journey
that Harry has to take to understand his
responsibility for this, in spite of his
love for his son and his ultimate power to
make amends. It's
great to read a book that is thoroughly
modern without being cold, cool and
cynical. Parsons really gets inside his
characters' emotions and expresses them in
all their pain and confusion. If you're
not crying at some point in this book or,
if female, not slightly in love with
Harry, then you must have a heart of pure,
white marble. Review by: Rachel Taylor Buy It - Buy This Book |
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