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Book Review

Honeymoon by Amy Jenkins - Book Review


Amy Jenkins

Fiction-Net Rating 2 Star Rated Book

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Cover Story

Honeymoon is about a girl who has doubts about her nice suitable man and doubts about commitment. She still carries a torch for Alex, the Love of Her Life, someone she spent only one night with. A perfect night. A soul mate night. Seven years on, she's ambushed by Ed, a suitable young man so nice and kind there's nothing for it but to marry him. And then they go on honeymoon.

We Say

If ever there was a book that I was going to approach with major expectations then this is it. Not only did Amy Jenkins allegedly receive a £600,000 advance based on only one chapter but she is also the writer of the brilliant cult BBC2 series, 'This Life'. So, was I disappointed? Well to be frank, yes I was.

Where 'This Life' had a fearless dark edge and explored the seedier side of the characters with vigour and candour, Honeymoon is your average, if slightly less fluffy than usual, romantic yarn. It's not that it's not entertaining - it is. It's just that it's nothing new. The main character, Honeymoon, marries the nice, reliable Ed and then bumps into the 'love of her life', Alex, on her honeymoon. She then goes through the dilemma of which one she actually wants to be with by a series of handy coincidences. This, along with the fact that the characters are all modern stereotypes leaves the whole story feeling a bit jaded.

That said, the pace is fast and with settings in London, New York and Mexico to change the scenery, Honeymoon is not a waste of time and money. Just don't expect to be surprised or challenged by it.

Review by: Rachel Taylor

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