Fiction-Net > Book Reviews > Harry
Potter And The Philosopher's
Stone Book Review Title Harry
Potter And The Philosopher's
Stone Fiction-Net Rating Buy It - Buy This Book Cover Story Harry
Potter thinks he is an ordinary boy -
until he is rescued by a beetle-eyed giant
of a man, enrols at Hogwarts School of
Witchcraft and Wizardry, learns to play
Quidditch and does battle in a deadly
duel. The reason - Harry Potter is a
Wizard! We Say Watching
the news in the summer of 2000, now more
than ten years ago, I saw children queuing
from the early hours of the morning in
shops all over the UK. It's become a
fairly common sight when the latest games
console is released but what was so
surprising this time was that the children
were queuing for a book. You remember them
- those things we all used to love with
paper pages and lots of words on them.
Okay, so I'm being sarcastic but it was
pretty astonishing to see it and I can
remember thinking at the time how I'd love
to know what all the fuss was about. It
seems I wasn't on my own. The
Harry Potter books have been released with
more grown-up artwork on the covers to
enable adults to read them without the
accessory of an eager-seven-year old.
Potter And The Philosopher's
is the first in the series. In this
first adventure from JK
we meet Harry Potter who has yet to
discover that he is a wizard. Like all the
best stories, Harry is an orphan who has
been left with despicable relatives and
fighting the hardships that fate has dealt
him. Then out of the blue, strange things
start to happen and Harry is eventually
able to escape to Hogwarts School. The
best thing about Harry's story is that he
is only just discovering his enchanted new
life. We see all the weird and wonderful
things that happen at Hogwarts through the
equally amazed eyes of Harry. It is as new
to him as it is to the reader and you go
on this incredible journey
together. Harry is
an unlikely hero - unassuming, yet clearly
brilliant. He is able to turn his
previously unknown talents to anything.
You will want to cheer him on as he
becomes the star player in the Quidditch
team or sneaks around outwitting monsters
in his invisibility cloak. Of course, for
every hero there must be a villain. In
Harry's case, this is the mysterious and
very scary Voldemort. Harry
Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is
great fun and totally gripping, even for
those of us who should be too old for it.
Completely irresistible. Review by: Rachel Taylor Buy It - Buy This Book |
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