Fiction-Net > Book Reviews > Harry
Potter And The Chamber Of
Secrets Book Review Title Harry
Potter And The Chamber Of
Secrets Fiction-Net Rating Buy It - Buy This Book Cover Story Harry
Potter is a wizard. He is in his second
year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and
Wizardry. Little does he know that this
year will be just as eventful as the
last. We Say Harry's
back! After a dismal summer with the
dreadful Dursleys, Harry finally gets to
return to Hogwarts after a stop-off at the
Weasley household. However, this time he
doesn't travel on the school train, the
Hogwart's Express. He arrives by an
alternative, though equally enchanting
mode of transport. So
begins the second of Harry's adventures.
Sorry to be so boring and agree with
absolutely everybody else on this but
Potter And The Chamber Of
is wonderful. And yes, I found that I
couldn't put it down. JK
has such remarkable descriptive powers
that reading her books seems almost like a
visual experience. As events unravel and
characters are introduced I become
convinced that I am able to see them
clearly. That Joanne Rowling is able to
stimulate the imagination of her reader so
intensively is testament to her great
talent. This
book is possibly even better than the
first. Meeting the characters again is
like catching up with familiar friends and
foes. There is no explanation or scene
setting needed so we are thrown straight
into the plot and consequently, the pace
is faster. Also, Rowling seems to be a
little less cautious and the dramatic
climax is nothing short of
terrifying. Harry
himself is transforming into the very best
of mythical heroes. He is almost
developing a darker side, which allows him
to flout the rules and gain more power but
he uses his gifts only for good purposes.
This is the moral thread being developed
in the book through the action and without
resorting to a preaching tone. There is
a certain amount of jealousy in the
writing world regarding the earnings of JK
Rowling. To those who are feeling green -
take a look at what she's given to
millions of children and see if you can
put a price on it. Review by: Rachel Taylor Buy It - Buy This Book |
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