Book Review Title Flashes
And Specks Fiction-Net Rating Buy It - Buy This Book Cover Story See
Henry's son build a city in the basement.
He might be a mad genius or just bad.
Watch Henry's wife return with a message
from the Pastor: God is angry. Learn
the date of the end of the world through a
complex mathematical formula involving the
length of a 1974 Corvette. Feel the pain
of Henry's students, but only the bullies
are being tortured. Weep as
Henry's father faces death, but what is
death really? Smile because it all takes
place at Christmas. We Say Flashes
by Mark
has enjoyably short chapters which can
seem to be a change of subject but at the
same time, they connect. Although
frequently rather dismal and leaving a
feeling of strange emptiness, there are
glimpses of happier times that you know
and want the main character, Henry, to
have. Flashes
And Specks begins with the suicide of
Henry's cousin, Carter. The cousins use
the comic book world to escape from their
own worlds, comic book heroes being a
prominent and reoccurring theme throughout
Flashes And Specks, particularly the
notion of hero versus villain. Carter's
presence is made known to Henry at various
times in the book - it is obvious that the
suicide has effected Henry. The story then
jumps to Henry's adult life. He is a
teacher who enjoys his job. He cares,
possibly too much. For example, the bully
(the villain), Henry wants to be the hero
but in reality cannot be. Anyway, Henry
has bigger issues - his wife has
disappeared, his son goes to a 'special
school' and a colleague claims he know the
exact date the world will end. Has this
colleague lost it or is he on to
something? Henry's everyday world seems to
be collapsing, so who knows? Considering
Flashes And Specks is such an emotional,
character-based book, I found myself
wanting to know more about the characters,
especially Henry's son, Arthur. Often
forgetting he is a young child and taking
into account his unstable mental issues, I
felt as though he was the more mentally
stable character, very calm and
rational. Towards
the end of Flashes And Specks, Arthur
becomes stronger and seems to be overcome
some of his issues. It is clear that
although Henry loves his son, Arthur
appears to have assumed the role of parent
and become stronger, as his father becomes
weaker. I was
not initially expecting to like this book
but by the time I'd finished, I was
converted enough to consider it almost a
'must read'. Flashes And Specks is just
the right length for what it is, but at the
same time it leaves you wanting more.
Insightful, mind-bending and at times
challenging to the point of being slightly
depressing, Flashes And Specks will make
you consider your own feelings on life's
challenges. Surprisingly
unforgettable. Review by: Toni Watkins Buy It From Amazon
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