Fiction-Net > Book Reviews > Divine
Secrets Of The Ya-Ya
Sisterhood Book Review Title Divine
Secrets Of The Ya-Ya
Sisterhood Fiction-Net Rating
Buy It - Buy This Book Cover Story When
Siddalee Walker, eldest daughter of Vivi
Abbott Walker (Ya-Ya extraordinaire - part
Scarlett, part Katharine Hepburn, part
Tallulah), is interviewed about a hit play
she has directed, her mother is described
as a 'tap-dancing child abuser'. Enraged,
Vivi disowns Sidda - devastating her
daughter who postpones her wedding and
puts her life on hold until she is granted
forgiveness. Trying
to repair the relationship, the Ya-Ya's,
Vivi's intrepid tribe of Louisiana
girlfriends, sashay in and insist Sidda is
sent 'The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya
Sisterhood', a scrapbook of their lives
together from the day in 1932 when they
were disqualified from a Shirley Temple
lookalike contest for unladylike
behaviour. Expected to raise babies, not
Cain, the Ya-Yas are bonded for life in an
unforgettable exploration of the
complexities of mother-daughter
relationships and the power of female
friendship. We Say I could
really feel the intense heat of the Deep
South summer and the sweat trickling down
my back as I imagined myself lying in a
hammock on a porch overlooking the cotton
fields. Well, it was at least sunny as I
sat by the hotel pool devouring this book
as a part of my holiday reading package.
It's certainly ideal for this purpose, a
great big brick of a paperback with an
epic story and plenty of gossipy
anecdotes. Fortunately, Divine
Secrets Of The Ya-Ya
is also intelligent and insightful. The
elder generation, the Ya-Ya sisterhood
themselves, make a formidable quartet. As
Dylan Thomas would have it, "raging
against the dying of the light" of old
age. Sidda, the daughter of the most
tempestuous of the Ya-Ya's is the reader's
companion on the journey of discovery
about the past. A thoroughly modern
American woman, needing to make her peace
with her unconventional mother and
herself. Like the
Ya-ya scrapbook that Sidda has to
decipher, this Divine Secrets Of The Ya-Ya
Sisterhood is full of faded, atmospheric
American snapshots. Family pictures that
only tell part of the story. I was gripped
as the mysteries were revealed in
evocative flashbacks. Deaths, journeys,
breakdowns and a description of the actual
film premiere of "Gone with the Wind"
(just imagine!). This is American writing
at its best. Review by: Rachel Taylor Buy It - Buy This Book |
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