Book Review Title Beating
About The Bush Fiction-Net Rating Buy It - Buy This Book Cover Story Ella
Norton has opted for the simple life. Gone
are the power suits and an executive
career. In are the wellies, a horticulture
course and Matt, her immensely sexy
tutor. With two
lodgers - gorgeous, worldly Miranda and
unglamorous, naive Faith - to help with
the DIY, it can't go wrong. Except that
Miranda and Faith hate each other, Matt
has a wife and the DIY lands them in
casualty. But it's when tall, abrasive and
engaged CID man Jaz Singh sets up camp in
Ella's bedroom that life starts to spiral
seriously out of her control. Embracing
the simple life has never been so
complicated. We Say Or so
mind-numbingly awful. There are many words
I can think of to describe this kind of
popular fiction but I'll stay in tune with
the theme of the book and keep it simple.
About The
is dull, predictable and feeble. I found
myself skim reading the last third because
I just couldn't take any more. There is
not a single character that stands out as
a real person. 'Normal' but needy Ella
shares a house with nasty but beautiful
Miranda and mousy but
Faith. Heaven forbid we should have
someone who genuinely is unattractive in
this story. Worst of all is the Asian
policeman, Jaz. He is faced with an
arranged marriage that he is allegedly
very happy about. We are treated to
patronising speeches about race-relations
and trying to be part of a new culture in
a way that seems totally out of sync with
the awareness that most people now
have. Maybe it
would be possible to forgive the weak
characters if the plot was gripping.
Unfortunately, it's equally pointless and
shockingly uneventful. Until the last
quarter of the book, the main events
consist of the girls going to the pub,
Ella alternating between arguing and
flirting with Jaz and the real dramatic
high point of the girls trying to put up a
shower curtain. By the
time anything does actually happen, you'll
have lost all interest. One character has
the good sense get themselves locked away
in prison by the end and if you don't see
that one coming then you must have been
reading with your eyes shut. Hmm, wish I'd
thought of that. Review by: Rachel Taylor Buy It - Buy This Book |
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