Sachar Book Title Author Purchase Link Star Rating Louis
Sachar Book Reviews Holes
by Louis
Sachar Fiction-Net Rating Stanley
Yelnats' family has a history of
bad luck, so he isn't too
surprised when a miscarriage of
justice sends him to a boys'
juvenile detention centre. At
Camp Green Lake, the boys must
dig a hole a day, five feet deep,
five feet across, in the dried up
lake bed. The Warden claims the
labour is character building but
it is a lie. Stanley must dig up
the truth. Quite
honestly, I didn't know what to
expect. I hadn't heard of the
author. This is clear proof, if
it were needed, that sometimes
it's worth taking a chance. Holes
by Louis Sachar is a book that I
will be raving about, to anyone
who'll listen, for the rest of my
life. Buy It - Buy This Book Select by author surname: Select by book title: |
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