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Claire Calman Interview
Love Is A Four Letter Word was an emotional bullet. Lessons For A Sunday Father was a four-way emotional battlefield. With all these emotions flying about, we wanted to find out what makes Claire Calman tick.

Mike Gayle Interview
With three successful novels under his belt, Mike Gayle talks about turning thirty, and doing it outside of London.

Lisa Jewell Interview
With her debut novel, Ralph's Party, an enormous success and becoming the top selling debut novel when it was published in 1999, we caught up with Lisa Jewell to discuss her background and future - plus news of her forthcoming second novel, Thirty-Nothing.

Lisa Jewell Interview 2
Lisa Jewell's debut novel, Ralph's Party, became the top selling debut novel of 1999. Following the recent release of her second novel, Thirty-Nothing, Lisa talks to Fiction-Net about maturing as a writer.

Josie Lloyd and Emlyn Rees Interview
Despite the huge number of books we read here at Fiction-Net, 'Come Together' by Josie Lloyd and Emlyn Rees remains a firm favourite. With the sequel, Come Again, hitting bookshelves all over the UK, we thought we'd have a chat with the authors.

Josie Lloyd and Emlyn Rees Interview - 2
With their third co-written book, The Boy Next Door, hitting bookshops all over the UK and receiving plenty of praise, we met up again with authors Josie Lloyd and Emlyn Rees to gain an insight into what makes the couple work well as a team.

Victoria Routledge Interview
Author of Friends Like These, Kiss Him Goodbye and the forthcoming ...And For Starters, Victoria Routledge's position as a popular fiction writer is already well established. We spoke to Victoria about her writing and where she sees herself in the future.

Deborah Wright Interview
Deborah Wright won the Ireland on Sunday 'Write a Bestseller' competition. Fresh from the publication of her debut novel, Olivia's Bliss, Deborah Wright talked to Fiction-Net about things she loves. Namely, writing and chocolate.

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